Create Room API

The Huddle01 API provides the ability to create rooms for hosting various communication experiences. In order to use the API, you will need to obtain an API key by connecting to your wallet.



The Create Room API is to create a meeting room and obtain roomId.


Create Room Api

The API supports a POST request with the following required parameters:

  • roomLocked - A boolean value that determines whether the room is locked or not.
  • metadata - A key-value pair object that can be used to store additional information about the room.
POST • /rooms/create-room
const response = await
    roomLocked: false,
    metadata: {
      title: "My Room",
      hostWallets: ['0x29f54719E88332e70550cf8737293436E9d7b10b']
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'x-api-key': {{API_KEY}},

Upon success, the API will return a response with the following fields:

  • message - The message returned from the server.
  • roomId - The id of the room created.

In case of an error, the API will return an error message with a corresponding status code.

    "message": "Room Created Successfully",
    "data": {
        "roomId": "tyt-eyoq-zwq",


ParamsDefinitionData TypeMandatory
roomLockedThe start time of the room. This will be displayed in the room list.booleantrue
metadataThis can be custom data that you want to store with the room. This data will be returned when you fetch the room details.objectN

metadata is a key-value pair object that can be used to store additional information about the room, Maximum Payload size can be 10kb.


FieldsDefinitionData Type
messageThe message returned from the server.string
roomIdThe id of the room created.string
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